LCD RGB Color Display

Once your code is working lets add a method to init our RGB controller, also we will need a method to set the color of the Display :

void setRGBColor(I2CCONTEXT *rgb, int r, int g, int b)
        writeByteRegister(rgb->file, REG_RED, r);
        writeByteRegister(rgb->file, REG_GREEN, g);
        writeByteRegister(rgb->file, REG_BLUE, b);            
void initRGB(I2CCONTEXT *rgb)
        // backlight init
        writeByteRegister(rgb->file, REG_MODE1, 0);
        // set LEDs controllable by both PWM and GRPPWM registers
        writeByteRegister(rgb->file, REG_OUTPUT, 0xFF);
        // set MODE2 values
        writeByteRegister(rgb->file, REG_MODE2, 0x20);
        // set the baklight Color to white :)
        setRGBColor(rgb, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);    

Add another method to turn off the light upon program exit:

void turnOffRGB(I2CCONTEXT *rgb)
    setRGBColor(rgb, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00);    

Now lets call init RGB from our main() by passing the reference to our RGB context wait about 5 seconds and then exit turning off the color leds:

/*turn on RGB LEDS*/
/*sleep for 5 secs before turning off*/
/*turn off RGB LEDS*/

run make clean then make and execute by typing ./lcdtest

root@edison:~/.../I2CDL# make clean
rm lcd
root@edison:~/.../I2CDL# make
gcc -O lcd.c -o lcdtest
root@edison:~/.../I2CDL# ./lcdtest


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