

You can contribute with source code to UPM community!



Porting arduino libraries to libmraa as UPM libraries is usually fairly easy. The issues typically come from misunderstanding of how a non real time OS deals with interrupts and timers. It also highly depends on the sensor. Porting a module from Arduino

A concrete example is explained in detail on @ref max31855

Naming Conventions

UPM attempts to follow a clear naming pattern. Modules should be sensibly named and then placed in ${libdir}/upm and headers in ${includedir}/upm, all modules should be prefixed with libupm-. The upmmodule_init will automatically name python UPM modules as pyupm and javascript modules as jsupm_. For example for src/grove/ the library built will be, the python module pyupm_grove and the js module jsupm_grove. Naming a module


Here are the rules of contribution... Contributing a module


It is highly encouraged to provide at least some basic documentation for the sensors that you want to add to UPM... Writing sensor documentation

Last updated